How it works?

How does Clicks Genie work?

Clicks Genie works in a very simple way.

  1. You register on our website.
  2. You validate your account.
  3. You will start receiving daily emails from our advertisers.
  4. For every email you open, click and stay on the advertisers website for a predertimend amount of time, you get paid.

Earn more referring friends and other people.

Now you can earn more for every active referral you get, up to 5 levels deep.

Below you will find how much commssion you get from each of your active referrals.

LevelPaid To Read Email Commission %


Level 1:Your direct referrals 
Level 2: Your direct referrals of direct referrals 
Level 3:Your  direct referrals of direct referrals of direct referrals etc.

Go to your account, grab your referral link start inviting your friends and others to join. 

The more people you reffer, the more you earn with ClicksGenie.

That's it. You don't have to login on our webiste, click on ads etc. 

You can login anywhere from your email address, open the email from us, click , watch the ad and get paid.It's really simple
